Attitude makes all the difference. Perhaps because it has to do…
Females have unique developmental and psychological needs which historic and contemporary psychological theories have ignored and/or marginalized. I specialize in women because I understand and support women’s instinctual nature, needs, and processes. Females develop through three major life transitions marked by the stages of Maiden, Mother (even if no literal children are birthed), and Wise Crone. Important physiological changes occur which transform a woman’s body and brain, and can feel disorienting, confusing, and destabilizing. Historically, women have endured and experienced these transitions in the company of other women who could offer guidance and support. At any phase of life a woman occupies and experiences the energy of these stages. Unfortunately patriarchy and misogyny are also present, and create further barriers to self-development, vitality, and growth.
Often it is helpful for an adolescent or a child to have a place to come where they can process what is present for them. Sandplay allows adolescents and children to work out issues in the sand, without the need for words. Much psychic content can be shift in this process, and lessen suffering.
Working in the sand with a parent can also assist in reestablishing a caring, cooperative relationship. Committing to working on a series of trays together can shift struggles of authority and invite a new awaress of each other’s emergent energy and needs.
Pets are often facilitators of caring relationship and their presence can assist in creating a sense of safety, connection, and participation. They are always welcome in session.
“Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” – C. G. Jung
The mind, or psyche, has a natural tendency to heal itself, given the proper conditions. Playing in the sand, often without words, creates a natural environment where individuals can access their imagination and inner, symbolic world. In this space connection with the unconscious can take place, and one finds movement in a healing, generative way.
Special rates are offered to psychology counseling students who seek counseling sessions as part of their curriculum requirements.
Attitude makes all the difference. Perhaps because it has to do…